AEDC Green Card

Contestant who has joined any of the AEDC regional competitions during the year and has
been awarded Top 6, or outstanding ensemble groups, will receive Green Card Invitation
letter from the judge panels. Green card holder does not need to compete in the Semi-Final
and can directly enter the Final around of the Annual Final competition.

Green card holder can participate in the master class with other non-green card holder. They
can also choose whether to join the Semi-Final or not. (But the semi-final performance will
not be judged and marked.

If a contestant has joined two or more regional competitions during the competition year,
and has competed in two different age groups due to the increasing age, they can only
choose to use one green card for the Annual Final. And the other green card will be
disqualified. If contestants want to compete in two different age groups in Annual Final, they
have to compete in Semi-Final for the qualification to enter Final.

Any contestants competing in age group above their actual age, will not be awarded Green

All green card holders (soloists or ensemble groups) have been awarded the “Annual Final
Competition Scholarship” by the AEDC organizing committee. They only need to pay 50% of
the competition application fee.